4 Habits to Get the Spring Back in Your Step

Spring is a time of renewal. There’s a fresh feeling of newness in the air as many us get out of hibernation mode. A common complaint I hear from clients and friends during this transition from Winter to Spring is a lack of energy. People still feel sluggish and tired from the long, dark Winter […]

How to Actually Achieve Your Health Goals

reach your goals

Hopefully you’ve made some goals for improving your health this year. (If not, there’s still time to set a few). It can be a challenge to achieve what we’ve set out out to do, but there’s a way to make it easier on yourself. I believe the best way to actually achieve your goals is […]

How Many Reps and Sets Should I Do?

online personal training health coach

One of the more common questions I get as a Personal Trainer is “how many reps and sets should I do?” followed by “and with what weight?” It seems like a simple question, but in fact, there is no default/standard answer. It will be different for everyone because it’s based on goals and level of […]

How to Lose a Duathlon, But Win in Life

fitness motivation

Life lessons come up in the funniest places! I recently participated in my first duathlon, which was a 2k run, 20k bike, 5k run. I wanted to try out the duathlon after having done 2 triathlons in previous years and not really loving the swim part. The duathlon was definitely a challenge, especially since it […]

5 Simple Ways to Get Out of a Gym Rut

how to get out of a gym rut

gym rut [jim ruht] noun 1. boredom with your workout 2. a feeling of low (or zero) motivation to work out Have you ever been in a gym rut? You know, that feeling that creeps up on you little by little until “suddenly” you realize you don’t like working out or you have no motivation […]

Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

benefits of hiit

Last week I wrote about the basics of HIIT — High Intensity Interval Training. As a recap, HIIT is an exercise strategy that alternates periods of short and intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods. I hinted that there were many benefits to doing high intensity interval training and I’m revealing them today! Burn More Fat High Intensity Interval Training […]

What is HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)?

what is hiit

Have you heard of HIIT (high-intensity interval training)? It’s been around for a while, but only has gotten popular and more mainstream in the past few years. HIIT, which is also known as High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise (HIIE) or sprint interval training, is a form of cardio exercise. It’s basically an exercise strategy that alternates periods of short and intense anaerobic […]

Improve Your Mental Health with Exercise

mental health physical activity

I’ve previously blogged about the physical benefits of exercise and given 26 ideas to be active without going to a gym, but did you know exercise can be good for our mental health too? Research has found that exercise can reduce negative thoughts and feelings of distress. It has had significant impact on people struggling […]

6 Reasons Why You Should Stretch

stretching tips

Did you know that regular stretching is just as important as regular exercise? If you’re like me, you probably neglect this aspect of your fitness regime. Stretching has major benefits and hopefully these 6 reasons will inspire you to make it part of your schedule! Here are some of the main benefits of stretching. For […]

What is Wellness?

what is wellness

Wellness has become is bit of a buzzword over the past few years. In broad terms, wellness is good health. It’s an approach to living that emphasizes total wellness from a holistic point of view. Being well and healthy involves more than just the absence of disease or symptoms of disease. Wellness is a way […]

February 30-Minute Challenge

time for me

Let’s beat the February blahs with a Challenge!! A while ago I wrote about the 7 strategies for carving out me time. As a recap, here they are: (see the article for more details) 1. Schedule it in. 2. Find an activity you enjoy that’s relaxing. 3. Wake up earlier. 4. Make yourself accountable. 5. […]

Measure Fitness Progress with At-Home Fitness Assessments

fitness assessment at home

How you measure your fitness progress? Do you weigh yourself? Take measurements? Use the BMI (Body Mass Index)? Check your resting heart rate? Measure body fat? There are many ways to measure fitness progress and each method has strengths and weaknesses. Ideally you’ll use a variety of ways to check your progress towards your goals. […]

How to Find Motivation to Exercise and Eat Healthy

motivation to exercise eat healthy

Do you struggle with finding motivation to exercise or eat healthy food? You’re not alone!! Many people have trouble finding motivation and use it as one of the reasons (aka excuses) for not hitting the gym or working out at home. As in “but I’m just not motivated”. Want in on the secret? It’s pretty […]

Be Careful with Online Workouts

online workouts Pinterest

Online workouts are great, right? They are free, fun, and there are so many to choose from so you never get bored. Here’s the thing: not all online workouts are created equal! Because anyone can post on the internet there is SO MUCH information out there. Unfortunately, a lot of it is not necessarily safe […]

From A to Z: 26 Ideas for Being Active without Going to a Gym

exercise ideas

I love going to the gym. As part of my regular schedule, it actually gets me out of the house and working out. If left to my own devices, I’d find a million and one things to do around the house before getting a workout in…you know, cleaning the bathroom, checking Facebook, etc. For me, […]