I sat on my couch unable to move. My stomach was tied up in knots and my breath was shallow. I felt extremely overwhelmed with everything I needed to do. My mind was rushing and swirling with all the big (and little) tasks that needed to be done before I left for my vacation. I remained paralyzed for a few minutes letting it all happen and then I took action.

I followed the exactly steps I’m sharing with you below and was able to move past overwhelm into calm and collected.

Here are the three steps to reduce overwhelm, move past paralysis, and take action.

Click to watch this video where I explain the steps.

how to reduce overwhelm

Pre-Step: Breathe

Pause for 60 seconds. Close your eyes and simply breathe. Inhale for 3-4 sec and exhale 3-4 sec. Concentrate only on your breath.

Step 1: Ask Yourself “What’s the worst that can happen?”

This is one of the best questions you can ask yourself and it’s applicable in so many situations. When you answer this question you realize that the worst thing that can happen is really not that bad. It also allows you to move to step 2. 

Step 2: Make a Plan B

After you’ve determined the worst thing that can happen you can come counter it by coming up with a Plan B (and even C if you want to feel extra at ease). 

This step has two effects. One, you will have an actual plan of action in case “the worst” really does happen. Two, you will feel less overwhelmed and stressed knowing that the worst is really not so bad AND you have a plan in place just in case. 

Step 3: Write a To-Do List and Take Action

Often we feel overwhelmed because of so many things that need to be done, but they are all floating around in your brain. Get it down on paper!

Do a brain dump.

Write out all the things you need to do TODAY. Cross out the things you don’t actually need to do today (be honest and accept that not everything can be done in 1 day). 

Of what’s left, prioritize your list. Then you have 2 options.

Option A: Tackle the biggest priority item first.

Option B: Start with a small item that can be done quickly. THEN, move to the biggest priority item. 

Keep moving down your priority list, focusing on ONE thing at a time (no multi-tasking).

BONUS STEP: Reward Yourself

As you check things off your list, reward yourself with something you enjoy. Ideally, this isn’t a food-based reward, but more like a short activity of something you like to do. Perhaps it’s watching a funny video, or checking in on social media (watch the clock so you don’t get sucked in too deep), or cutting your dog’s hair (that’s one of mine!).


5 Day Simplify Your Life Challenge

If you desire less stress, less overwhelm, and less chaos in your life, join my 5 Day Simplify Your Life Challenge

We will tackle 5 areas: house clutter, fitness, commitments, relationships, and nutrition. You will get simple, concrete action steps to take in order to simplify life in these areas. You’ll be provided with worksheets that will guide the process. Each day’s activities will take 30 minutes or less, so you’ll have little chance for excuses why you can’t do it. :) 

Think about how it would feel to have a less cluttered home, simple ways to take care of your health with encouraging friends alongside you, and goals that you will actually achieve. 

Bring Calm + Order Back Into Your Life! Join the 5 Day Simplify Your Life Challenge