5 Day Simplify Your Life Challenge

Bring More Calm + Order to Your Life

Reduce Stress + Overwhelm

We are going through a collective world crisis.

Our world as we knew it was turned upside down. And the fallout has been increased stress, overwhelm, and uncertainty.

However, there's hope! And some changes you can make to improve your situation.

If you desire more calm, more balance, and more joy in your life, join my 5 Day Simplify Your Life Challenge

We will tackle 5 areas: house clutter, fitness, commitments, relationships, and nutrition. You will get simple, concrete action steps to take in order to simplify life in these areas. You'll be provided with worksheets that will guide the process. Each day's activities will take 30 minutes or less, so you'll have little chance for excuses why you can't do it. :)

Think about how it would feel to have a less cluttered home, simple ways to take care of your health with encouraging friends alongside you, and goals that you will actually achieve.

I'm Ready to Simplify My Life

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