You know what phrase I really don’t like to hear? “It’s not my fault I’m fat/overweight… it’s genetic!”

Yes, I will concede genetics play a small role in your overall health, however, may people use it as an excuse for not taking proper care of their bodies.

In fact, lifestyle accounts for 53% of the impact on your quality of life, whereas genetics is only 16%. (Source: Wellness: Concepts and Applications by Anspaugh, Hamrick and Rosato, pg. 7)

Here my tough love if this is something you’ve ever said: Stop blaming genetics!!

genetic impact on weight

You CAN change your body. It may take some time, but by making lifestyle changes like eating healthy and exercising it will happen.

If you’re not sure where to start, try making changes to your diet (by diet I mean the food you eat). Avoid sugar, white flour, and processed food, drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables. Read up on what clean eating is all about.

Add in some exercise. Meausure your fitness level with this easy at-home assessment. You don’t even need to go to a gym. Here are 26 ideas for physical activity not at a gym.

If you struggle with motivation, read how to find motivation to exercise and eat healthy.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. It’s an over-used cliche, but totally true in this situation. The process to living a healthy lifestyle takes incremental changes over time. Start small, set SMART goals, and find a friend to be accountable to.

I have faith you can do it!

fitness blog

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