Do you ever find yourself thinking “it’s so hard to eat healthy” or “but I don’t have anything healthy to eat”?

Personally, I find that if I don’t have readily available healthy food, then it’s too easy to grab something unhealthy.

So where do we get this healthy food? Ideally, you make it at home! But, it’s a lot easier said than done if you are missing key tools and ingredients.

Having the proper tools and basic ingredients makes a lot easier to eat healthy meals.

To help you, I’ve created a simple checklist with some basic essential items broken down by bakeware/cookware, pantry items, fridge/freezer items, and spices.

Download the Fit & Healthy 365 Kitchen Essentials Checklist

Psst…. here’s a sneak peek into my cupboard and pantry. kitchen pantry checklist

kitchen pantry checklist